Instigators of Change
While popular options for vintage car enthusiasts right now, electric motors are worth the attention of the entire car world. And track-by-track, sport-by-sport, club-by-club, EV West is determined to show us exactly why.
A self-proclaimed “glutton for punishment,” Michael pushes himself and his team to tackle challenging projects, bringing the massive potential of electric conversion to new spaces within car culture. Recently, they set their sights on the land speed space. In a 60-day turn, they built a car from the ground up, got it licensed at the Bonneville Salt Flats, set a record, and earned themselves a place in the “200 MPH club.” (The “242 MPH club,” to be exact.)
The community at Bonneville took note. One year later, two other teams showed up with electric builds to compete. And more are planning electric builds next year.
Mission accomplished.
“Change is coming, and we want to catalyze it and arm passionate communities with the tools and data they need to drive things forward. It’s exciting. You're going to see people tinkering with these new drivetrains the same way they were tinkering with flathead engines back in the day.” – Michael Bream, EV West