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Off-Road Driving Tips

If you’re going to learn, learn from the experts. BFGoodrich® Tires has earned more than 30 SCORE Baja 1000 wins and nearly 100 overall four-wheel SCORE desert race titles. So yeah, we own the off-road. Off-road driving can be fun, especially when it’s intentional. But, it’s an entirely different kind of driving altogether. We recommend you understand the basic techniques, so you don’t get stuck in a precarious situation.

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  1. Deflate your tires a bit to increase your tire footprint for better traction.
  2. Use steady momentum all the way through.
  3. In sand and snow, if your wheels start to spin, ease off the gas a little to let the tires slow down and regain traction. In mud, maintain some wheel spin to help clear mud from the drive tires.


  1. Approach obstacles at an angle, so that only one tire engages, leaving the other three tires on solid ground for traction.
  2. To protect the fragile components on the underside of your vehicle, it’s best to drive over an obstacle by placing one tire on it, then gently driving over it.


  1. Approach the hill straight on, so the weight is distributed equally, providing equal traction to all four tires.
  2. Use as high a gear as the vehicle will handle comfortably on the hill. If the gear is too low, you will spin the tires. If it’s too high, you won’t have enough power.
  3. Always prepare for a failed climb and have an escape plan.
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